Friday 29 January 2021

Climate Emergency Toolkit



As the climate crisis accelerates, millions of lives are at risk. Christians around the world are taking urgent action.

Will you join us?

​​Step by step, the Climate Emergency Toolkit guides your church or Christian organisation through simple but powerful actions that have an impact far beyond your own walls or community.


Download the Toolkit here

Prepare by starting the conversation about the climate emergency and beginning to plan your response

Declare or recognise an emergency in a way that engages your community and amplifies the need for leaders everywhere to act

Impact widely by partnering with your local community and speak up for change together

The Climate Emergency Toolkit has been put together in collaboration with several organisations, as well as activists and church leaders including Christian Aid, EcoChurch, TearFund and Operation Noah

Sunday 31st January 2021: A psalm of praise



Sunday 31st January 2021 

This act of worship has been prepared for us by Phil Colbourn. Spend a few moments with God, knowing that other people are also sharing it with you. 

Let’s begin by singing SoF 879: 

Let all the world in every corner sing! 

Opening Prayer 

Breathe in. Breathe out. 

Say: The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want.

O Lord, Mother, Father, make haste to help us. Jesus, Healer of all ills, make me whole; give me an inner strength. Holy Spirit, breathe in me. Let everything that has breath, praise the Lord! 

Praise the Lord! In, out. In, out. Breathe. Amen

We sing SoF 466: 

Praise, my soul, the king of heaven


Lord, in your mercy, receive us. In your mercy, hear us. In your mercy, forgive. We are unprofitable servants, doing what we should not & not what we should. We rely upon your word of grace. We are forgiven in Christ our Lord. Amen

We sing SoF 72: 

Come, let us sing of a wonderful love

This morning’s reading is Psalm 111 

Great are your works, O Lord!


This is a psalm of praise but it is also one that asks us to stop and think (v2). God is good, yes, but why is God good? This is also a “church going” psalm. It is a long time since we’ve had a church meeting but that is what is happening here (v1): When we gather, I will praise you for all the great things you’ve done. In the time of Covid, obviously, we do it together, apart.

Why is God great? Let’s think about it, the psalmist says. Perhaps because God does what is right (v3). Perhaps because God acts with compassion and grace (v4). Perhaps because God supplies our every need (v5). This gives us a clue.

As Christians we read this psalm in the light of Christ. Jesus taught us to pray: Our Father, Give us this day our daily bread. This God is recognisably the same God. But, wait a minute, what about verse 6? Whatever the psalmist may have meant originally; our understanding of God is conditioned by knowing Jesus.

For Jesus, and us, the only valid power is love; not military strength, politics or economics. Rome was not won in a day. In fact, it took years of faithful, loving living before God’s people won over the Roman Empire. Not by power or by might,says the Lord, but by my Spirit; that is, the Spirit of love. It took a long time by our standards but the love of Christ did win through in the end. 

The second half of the psalm repeats the thoughts of the first before coming to a conclusion: The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. From here, if we wish, we can go to Proverbs (1 v7) and then Ecclesiastes (e.g., 3 v10-14) to learn more! But in the end, the psalmist circles back to the beginning: I will praise the Lord because God is good & can always be relied on to do what is right from the very best of loving motives. Don’t give up on God. Jesus shows us everything we need to know. God is good. God cares. God loves us, every one. Amen

We sing Hymn SoF 1566: 

Through all the changing scenes of life 

Prayers of Intercession 

Almighty God, have mercy on this troubled world of ours. We are pilgrims, captive to our own frailty & yet you have made us in your image & we bear within us your Spirit of life. Give us faith to walk joyfully into the unknown, hope to comfort the despairing & love to hold all humankind in our hearts. Amen1

And so, we pray for those in need everywhere and in all circumstances. Come to them, O faithful One. Comfort them. Hold them in your arms. Console, revive & strengthen and provide, supply & furnish them with riches beyond imagining.

We pray for the world, for leaders and politicians and everyone with influence; for our own country in this dreadful condition: for work, food, rest & support; for all who grieve, remembering each & everyone of those who have died.

We pray too for all who long to meet with friends, family, loved-ones & cannot. We pray for the church in every place, especially areas of conflict and trouble and here, locally, for the church and the community and our own fellowship

[A time of quiet for special prayers] 

Hear our prayer, In Jesus’ name, Amen

Lord, keep my vision clear. Keep me open to your light. Help me to respond to others with kindness and generosity. Give us all the wisdom to concentrate on what really matters. Go with us in peace each and every day. Amen2

We join together to say the words of the Lord’s Prayer

Let sing SoF 220: 

I know not why God’s wondrous grace 


May the love of God shown to us in our Lord Jesus Christ draw us to himself, may the power of this love as revealed in the Lord Jesus strengthen us in his service & may the joy of the Spirit of Jesus fill our hearts, now & always. Amen

1. Shiela Cassidy in The Way of Healing 

2. Eddie Askew, A Silence & a Shouting

Sunday 17 January 2021

Historic England

The church is a grade II listed building

Link to the Historic England listing

Burton Joyce Community Church photo

Sunday 10 January 2021

Video Covenant Services

The Covenant service is held every year in Methodist churches as a time for reflection & rededication. 

This would normally be a shared service with other local churches in the villages through Churches Together but this year, sadly, we cannot do that.

Spend time with God, knowing that others share with you.

If you would prefer a video service, here are a couple of options, both ~45 mins (and with some good hymns!)

Nottingham North East Methodist Circuit has a video (Youtube) Covenant Service online, which you can access vis the Circuit Website

NNE Circuit Website

Similarly, our friends back in Ceredigion have a Covenant Service online:

Ceredigion Circuit


God made a covenant with the people of Israel, a covenant renewed in Jesus Christ our Lord. In this covenant God promises new life in Christ. For our part we promise to live not for ourselves but for God. 

I am no longer my own but yours. 

Put me to what you will, rank me with whom you will; 

put me to doing, put me to suffering; 

let me be employed for you or laid aside for you, exalted for you or brought low for you; 

let me be full, let me be empty, 

let me have all things, let me have nothing; 

I freely and wholeheartedly yield all things to your pleasure. 

Now, O God, you are mine and I am yours. 

Let the covenant made on earth be ratified in heaven. Amen. 

Saturday 9 January 2021

Covenant Service 10th January 2021



Sunday 10 January 2021 

With Nottingham North East Circuit 

The Covenant service is held every year in Methodist churches as a time for reflection & rededication. This would normally be a shared service with other local churches in the villages through Churches Together but this year, of course, sadly, we cannot do that.

Spend time with God, knowing that others share with you.

Covenant Service & Agapé meal

For the Agape, you will need bread, biscuit or cake & drink of choice. 

The hymns are chosen mostly from the church hymnbook Songs of Fellowship (SoF). If you don't have a copy of the hymnbook at home, you can often find a video of the hymn on Youtube with the words displayed on video. Also, you can find the Bible readings online at several websites. Search for the specific chapter and verse (e.g. Exodus16, 1-15)


May God bless us all as we share together, wherever we are.

Glory to the Father, Jesus our Saviour & the Holy Spirit, Lord & giver of lifeGod of grace, through the mediation of your Son, you call us into covenant. Help us to draw near in faith; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

We sing SoF 902: Lord of all hopefulness

A readingJohn 15.1-10 


God made a covenant with the people of Israel, a covenant renewed in Jesus Christ our Lord. In this covenant God promises new life in Christ. For our part we promise to live not for ourselves but for God. 


For the sin that has made us slow to learn of Christ

Lord, have mercy

For the sin that has caused us to misuse your gifts

Lord, have mercy

For the sin that has made us tolerate injustice

Lord, have mercy


Have mercy on us, O God, in your constant love; in the fullness of your mercy blot out our offences. Wash away our guilt and cleanse us from sin. Create in me a clean heart. Renew a right spirit within me. Give me joy & a willing spirit. 

If we confess our sins, God is faithful & just to forgive our sins & cleanse us from all unrighteousness. To all who truly repent God says: 'Your sins are forgiven’. 

Amen. Thanks be to God. 

Hymn SoF 519: Take my life & let it be

Lord God, holy Father, you have called us through Christ to share in this gracious covenant. We take upon ourselves with joy the yoke of obedience & engage to seek & do your perfect will because we are no longer our own but yours. 

I am no longer my own but yours. Put me to what you will, rank me with whom you will; put me to doing, put me to suffering; let me be employed for you or laid aside for you, exalted for you or brought low for you; let me be full, let me be empty, let me have all things, let me have nothing; I freely and wholeheartedly yield all things to your pleasure. Now, O God, you are mine and I am yours. Let the covenant made on earth be ratified in heaven. Amen. 


Let us pray for the Church and for the world. 

Loving God, hear us as we pray for your holy catholic Church:

make us all one, that the world may believe. 

Inspire and lead all who govern and hold authority in the nations:

establish justice and peace among all people. 

Have compassion on all who suffer in sickness, grief or trouble:

deliver them from their distress. 

We praise you for the saints who have entered your eternal glory:

bring us with them to your heavenly kingdom. 

Let us pray in silence for our own needs and for those of others . . . 

We sing SoF 1576: Wait for the Lord, whose day is near

O God, hear our prayers through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

The Lord's Prayer 


You will need some bread, biscuit or cake and drink of choice. 

Jesus said: ‘I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.’ 

Eat and then drink, remembering our Lord Jesus Christ 


For all who hunger for food, a human touch or peace of heart

Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer

For all who risk their lives that others might live 

Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer

We sing SoF 1158: All my days (Beautiful Saviour)


The blessing of God, Father, Son & Holy Spirit, be with us now & always. Amen

Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.

In the name of Christ. Amen. 

Monday 4 January 2021

Trees & Nativities Packed Away

Christmas is over. Well almost.

The Christmas Tree Festival is done. The Nativity has gone. 

But: Hope?

We are in another lockdown.

Is there something, apart from Christmas cake, we can bring with us from the last few weeks to help us get through the next few weeks?

Remember the carols. Hum the tunes. Sing the words. And, whether you can remember the words or not, hold on to the truth.

No matter what happens ... 

That baby who grew up to be Jesus is the assurance that God cares for us, each of us, all of us, everyone 

No matter what happens ...

We can depend on this love. We only have to ask

A Happy New Year seems a big ask in the circumstances but the news of Christmas reminds us that we are not alone. 

Love came down at Christmas, Love all lovely, Love divine; Love was born at Christmas, Star and angels gave the sign
[Christina Rossetti]

Sunday worship & other resources for January 2021

 Burton Joyce Community Church 

Worshipping while the church building is closed

Opportunities to worship on radio and television 

Daily Service: 

Radio 4 at 9.45am only on LW / DAB / internet (NOT on FM)

Sunday worship: 

Radio 4 at 8.10am on Sunday morning on FM / DAB / internet

Choral evensong: 

Radio 3, Wednesday at 3.30pm, repeated Sunday at 3pm

Songs of Praise: 

BBC1 at 1.15pm* on Sunday afternoon (*times may vary)

Methodist Circuit 

On Facebook and website: Nottingham North East Circuit

Phone-in services: 0115 671 3715 (calls are free)

URC Synod

On Facebook: URC East Midlands Synod / The Dales URC

St Andrews with Castle Gate.

St Helen’s, Burton Joyce, Reverend Anna Alls

On Facebook:

Other online resources 

There are many excellent worship resources, for example:

All Souls, Langham Place:

St Martins in the Field:

Central Hall, Westminster:


Sunday worship for BJCC, January 2021

Date in January

Bible reading




2: 1-12 


The star




Covenant service



2: 22-38 

Simeon & Anna



1: 14-20 

1: 14-20 

The first disciples 


Saturday 2 January 2021

Service: Sunday 3 January 2021



Sunday 3 January 2021 

With Nottingham North East Circuit 


This act of worship has been prepared by Deacon Helen Snowball. Spend time with God, knowing that other people share with you.

The hymns are chosen mostly from the church hymnbook Songs of Fellowship (SoF). If you don't have a copy of the hymnbook at home, you can often find a video of the hymn on Youtube with the words displayed on video. Also, you can find the Bible readings online at several websites. Search for the specific chapter and verse (e.g. Exodus16, 1-15)

Psalm 147

Praise the Beloved, Heart of all hearts! Sing to God with thanksgiving. Mingle your song with the melodies of the spheres! 

Nan C Merrill, Psalms for Praying: An Invitation to Wholeness 

Let’s sing: SoF 302 – Jesus shall take the highest honour 

SoF 298 – Jesus, name above all names


God who made us, you have always known us. 

God who saves us, you became flesh for us, sacrificed yourself for us. 

God with us, you empower us, breathe life into us & sustain us. 

We praise your holy name. 

When we fail to see the peace of Christ in a word of comfort given, Forgive us. 

When we fail to see the love of Christ in the actions of a stranger, Forgive us. 

Open our eyes to see your love - & our hearts in gratitude - so that, in our lives, others see a glimpse of the divine. 

For grace beyond imagining,
Thanks be to the Lord: 
Who is worthy of our praise. 

For love everlasting 

Thanks be to the Lord: Who is worthy of our praise. 

For joy that is our blessing 

Thanks be to the Lord: Who is worthy of our praise. 

Today’s bible reading: Matthew 2:1-12 

Hymn: SoF 1574 – Unto us a boy is born


We saw the star and knew immediately what it was. To be on the safe side, we double checked before we set off on our long journey. 

It took us ages to get to Jerusalem but, finally, we were there. In the city, we asked around. King Herod heard about us. We weren’t so much invited to see him as ‘expected to attend’. He was a friend to the Romans and lived in some style. He consulted priests & scribes. ‘After you have found the child,’ he said, ‘come back and tell me.’ 

The star was bright as we followed it through the countryside to the town of Bethlehem. We saw the child with his mother and knelt and worshipped. When it was time to leave, we received a warning from an angel, ‘Do not go back to Herod, he means to kill the boy.’ So, we returned to our own country by a different road. 

Little did we know what plans God had for that child. Later, we learned that he became involved in politics, challenging the oppression that people were living under. He cared for the poor and vulnerable, mixed with people the law told him he shouldn’t mix with, and he healed and performed miracles. 

He lived in poverty, working hard, telling the truth about God and love. He would eventually die on the cross, but rise again to defeat evil and bring salvation to many. 

As we rode home to our families after such a long time away, we had no way of knowing how significant this baby would become for so many people, through so many years – thousands of years later! 

Prayers of intercession 

At the start of a new year, we pray for healing, for light to shine in the darkness & for hope to return.


We pray for our government, 

for Brexit negotiations & Covid vaccinations.


We pray for the NHS, 

with gratitude for their care and bravery, 

& for everyone who has worked so hard to provide vaccines.


We pray for volunteers & shop workers, 

& everyone who has phoned, visited or shopped for the others. 

We pray for our local churches. 

We pray for those who have been alone over Christmas, 

and for those who are grieving, isolated or unwell. 

We pray for the people who need you the most 

& those who think they need you least. 

We pray for the world. In Jesus name, Amen

The Lord’s Prayer (see Virtual Church for the words)

Our final hymn: SoF 31 – As with gladness men of old


The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God & the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all, now and evermore. Amen

Go in peace, to love and serve the Lord, In the name of Christ. Amen

With renewed Covid19 restrictions in place and a rapid rise in the numbers in hospitals throughout the country, please think of others:

Wear a face covering

Give other people space (2m)

Wash hands frequently

Thank you. God bless you and yours.