Sunday worship for the Summer and Autumn
Please join us at 10.30am any Sunday morning
6 Songs of Praise with Dinah Dudley
13 Phil Colbourn - our own local preacher
20 Jane Edwards - Methodist local preacher from Sherwood
27 Rev Louise Gee (URC) - Communion
3 Family Service - led by our home team
10 Maurice Turner - Methodist local preacher from Sherwood
17 Colin Wignall - Methodist local preacher from Sherwood
24 Rev Louise Gee (URC) - Communion
1 Family Service led by our home team with a focus on prayer
8 Rev Ruth Orton - from Main Street Carlton Methodist Church
15 Lynda Kelly - Methodist local preacher from Sherwood
22 United Service
29 Rev Louise Gee (URC) - Communion
5 Family Service - led by our home team
12 Tim Coleman - Deacon in the Nottingham East Methodist Circuit
19 Rev Richard Byass -Superintendent Minister in the Nottingham East Methodist Circuit
26 Rev Louise Gee (URC) - Communion