Saturday, 30 September 2017

Our Harvest Festival 2017

Harvest Festival at BJCC

This year our service of Harvest Thanksgiving is Sunday 8th October at 10.30am. 

The preacher is Revd Ruth Orton a retired minister from Carlton Main Street Methodist Church and a good friend of BJCC. 

The service will be followed by a Bring and Share lunch.

Our Harvest gifts of food and produce will go to Emmanuel House 
Donations of money will be sent to Water Aid

Join us if you can.

Thursday, 14 September 2017

Big MacMillan Coffee Morning

The Big MacMillan Coffee Morning

Friday 29th September 2017

in the Community Church Hall, Meadow Lane 
09.00 -12.00h

Pop in for a coffee on Friday morning on 29th September and join in the money raising effort for MacMillan Cancer Support


Tuesday, 5 September 2017

BJCC Facebook group

BJCC Facebook group

 Join our new Facebook group and keep up to date with what is going on.

Find the group at BJCC Facebook (this link opens in a new window)

Ride & Stride coffee morning

Ride & Stride Coffee Morning

Saturday 9th September 2017

This is an annual event in support of historic churches in Nottinghamshire. Please come along if you can to the Community Hall at Burton Joyce Community Church any time between 10 an 12 noon on Saturday (9th September).

See the Ride & Stride website

Monday, 4 September 2017

September, October ...

September, October ...

There's a lot going on at BJCC this month as we move slowly but surely into Autumn and the nights draw in.

First, the kitchen in the Community Hall (aka Schoolroom, aka Church Hall) has been completely refurbished and is looking brand spanking new. Well, that's because it is brand spanking new. If you have not had the chance to look at it yet, call in sometime and see what you think or, better still, join one of our indefatigable teams who make tea and coffee for the for all the lovely people who make use of the Hall, for example ....

Next, Ride & Stride returns on Saturday 9th September. There will be a Coffee Morning in aid of Nottinghamshire Historic Churches Trust in the Community Hall in the morning followed by open church in the afternoon to welcome all the walkers and cyclists as they pass by and offer them some refreshment. Do come along.

Then, the annual MacMillan Coffee Morning takes place on Friday 29th September.

Meanwhile, in other news, our usual cycle of weekly events continues and we have our quarterly Church Meeting on Tuesday 5th September, 1.30pm for 2pm. 

You can check out the annual cycle of events at BJCC here.