Sunday services for March-May 2019
3 Cafe Church with Phil Colbourn (BJCC)
10 Lent 1. Mick Radnall (Arnold Methodist Church)
17 Lent 2. Communion with Revd Louise Gee
24 Lent 3. Kevin Sharpe (Phoenix Farm Methodist Church)
31 Lent 4. Mothering Sunday with Dinah Dudley (BJCC)
7 Lent 5. Phil Colbourn (BJCC)
14 Palm Sunday. Luke Mellor (Arnold Methodist Church)
21 Easter Sunday. Communion with Geoff Ware (URC)
28 Revd Louise Gee
5 Songs of Praise with Dinah Dudley (BJCC) (to be confirmed)
12 Ed Lyne (St John's Methodist Church, Standhill Road, Carlton Hill)
19 Christian Aid Sunday, United Service at BJCC (details to be confirmed)
26 Communion with Revd Louise Gee