Saturday, 30 May 2020

Whit Sunday - Pentecost

Whit Sunday - Pentecost

 Burton Joyce Community Church

Nottingham North East Circuit
Sunday 31st May 2020 Pentecost
This short act of worship has been adapted from material kindly provided by Rev John Wiseman. Spend a few moments with God, other people are sharing in this act of worship too.

Let’s begin by singing: Come down, O Love divine! [SoF 1202]

Opening Prayers
God of fire and flame, hurricane and gentle breath, we come to worship you, our God of hope. God of love, we praise you this morning. We thank you for the gifts and fruit of your Spirit which fill our lives helping transform strangers into neighbours and enemies into friends.
Forgive us that we pursue self-interest instead of hospitality. Forgive us that we plunder the earth instead of cherishing it. Come to each of us as we hear you say: ‘Your sins are forgiven’
Our Father...

Today’s bible reading: Act 2:1-17
The Holy Spirit comes

We sing again: Breathe on me, breath of God [SoF 51]
Today’s message
The disciples of Jesus are gathered in Jerusalem. Jesus has risen from the dead, appeared to them, spent time with them and then just when they were beginning to think everything was ok, Jesus has gone again. Telling them to wait. And so, they wait. Wait for heaven knows what. Then there is a sound like wind, a storm, the heavens splitting open and tongues of fire appear.
The Holy Spirit had arrived. Pentecost is about breaking down barriers. People opening their homes for worship, breaking bread, talking about Jesus and praying. People shared their property and possessions with anyone who was in need. People gathered together to teach and to learn.
The promise of Pentecost is that everyone can be ignited by the Spirit for a deeper and a more powerful way of life. The Spirit is alive and active in people like you and me, guiding, inspiring and re-making us in the likeness of God. The question for the Church today is the same as it was for the Church then. Will we let the Spirit transform us? Will we have the strength and compassion, to declare the story that needs to be told? Will we pass on the ‘good news’ of Jesus until it goes viral?
Prayers of Intercession
Today we pray for...
All those who speak the language of love into troubled situations
All those struggling to find the right words to communicate with family, friends or strangers.
For the scattered church.
For loved ones you are separated from.
For yourself
Loving God, gather together all our thoughts and prayers, offered in the power of your Holy Spirit and in Jesus name. Amen
Let's sing:  Rejoice the Lord is king (Songs of Fellowship 482)
A blessing...
May the Holy Spirit, who hovered over the waters when the world was created, breathe into you the life he gives. And the blessing of God almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be among you and remain with you always. Amen


Friday, 22 May 2020


Ascension Sunday

Sunday 24th May 2020

Jesus, our risen & ascended Lord

It is time to look back & look forward; 
to raise our sights and find the way that leads to the future.

A song to begin (Songs of Fellowship [SoF] 830)
I the Lord of sea and sky. [Youtube; beware ads]

Father, in Jesus you came to Bethlehem. 
With him, lift us up to heaven and transform the earth.
Forgive us, Lord. How desperately we fall short.
Thank you for giving us your Son
& leaving your Spirit till the work on earth is done.
[Refrain SoF 544; There is a redeemer, Jesus, God's own Son. Youtube.]

Our Father ...

First reading: Luke 24, 50-53. Jesus leaves the disciples

A song (SoF 302): Jesus shall take the highest honour. [Youtube.]

Second reading: John 21, 15-17. "Feed my sheep." 

Jesus leaves them, but first tells them to wait.
The next few days are crucial.
The future hangs in the balance.
Are they ready? (Answer next week.)

A song (SoF 44): Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine. [Youtube.]

Prayer for the world
Weep with us, Lord. Weep for our world.
Weep over our polluted & ravaged earth.
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer. 

Grieve with those who grieve.
Cry out against injustice.
Where is the justice, Lord?
Where is your kingdom?
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer. 

Bless all kind and loving people everywhere.
Bless all we love: friend, family and neighbour.
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer. 

Hear all our prayers through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

Our final song (SoF 531): The head that once was crowned with thorns. [Youtube.]

Jesus, risen & glorified, walk with you every step of the way 
and give you his peace, now and always. Amen.

Friday, 15 May 2020

Easter 6 - Christian Aid Sunday

Easter 6 - Christian Aid Sunday

Easter 6 - Sunday 10th May 2020 
Burton Joyce Community Church

Welcome to worship. 
We’ll begin by singing:
Break thou the bread of life (SoF* 50)

Let us pray:

God of all the Earth, be with us now as we share in worship. Teach us to love one another. Open our hearts to encompass people everywhere, in their need, in their joy, in their hopes and aspirations. We are all one in you, in Jesus Christ our Lord.

Forgive us, loving Lord, for our doubts. Forgive us that we are slow to follow. Forgive us for denying your life in us and in others by the way we live. Forgive us - as we forgive one another. Live in us as we live in your grace. In the name of the risen Christ. Amen
Our Father ...

Hymn: Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (SoF 470)

Reading: John 21, 1-14

Jesus meets them back where he first called them, in Galilee. It is a recommissioning. It is a new calling and a new sending.
Where did you first meet Jesus? What did he say to you then? What is he saying to you now? Let's go forward together in his name. Amen

Hymn: I heard the voice of Jesus say (SoF 215)

Prayer of lament and intercession:
God our refuge, we come with empty hands but wit hearts full of questions, bruised by loss, fearing the future, stunned by events. Draw near to us as we place our hopes in your hands.
God in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Hear the cry of our hearts for bereaved neighbours and those pained by absence; hold those who are hurting. Remind us that we all play our part and save lives by staing at home.
On Christian Aid Week Sunday, we pray with communities across the world, especially people with limited sanitation, unable to wash their hands and with little chance to self-isolate.
God in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We pray for Christian Aid partners providing vital supplies, communicating clear information, raising the voices of the vulnerable and ensuring they are kept as safe as possible.
We pray for wisdom amd resources for key workers but, as we clap them and as we praise you for your creation, we long for the first shoots of your kingdom to appear and grow.
God in your mercy, hear all our prayers. Amen

Please pray for others, as you wish to pray today.

Hymn: Love divine all loves excelling (SoF 377)

A Blessing:
May the presence of the Creator refresh you, may the comfort of the Son renew you, may the inspiration of the Spirit restore you to love in action, from a distance, in our neighbourhoods, near and far, this day and for evermore. Amen.
*SoF = Songs of Fellowship
This service outline was developed using material provided by Rev Colin Bones [URC]. With thanks
Today's service is focused on Christian Aid Week. In normal times, this would have been a United service with all the churches in the village coming together as Churches Together in Burton Joyce, Bulcote and Stoke Bardolph. Donations will help respond to the Coronavirus emergency. 
Make a donation at: 

or call 020 7523 2269 to donate by telephone.
Thank you