Sunday 22 November 2020

Sunday 22nd November 2020



A short service for use at home: 

Sunday 22nd November 2020 

Prepared for Burton Joyce Community Church by Phil Colbourn. Prayers prepared by Deacon Helen Snowball. Spend time with God as we share together this time of worship.


We begin with a Psalm 

Psalm 100
Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth

HYMN: Songs of Fellowship 597.

When morning gilds the skies


Oh, that the world might join with us in worship and praise. 

Oh, that the world might look to you, Lord, for forgiveness and grace. 

Oh, that the world might turn to you for salvation and peace. 

For you are our help every morning and our eternal home.

Praise be to you, O Lord, Creator, Shepherd, King and Living Word. Amen 


Shepherd-King, you lead us to green pastures & to safety in your kingdom, welcoming all who follow and acknowledge you as Lord. For such love and faithfulness to generation after generation and for your love and care to all who are numbered among the sheep of your flock, we thank you. Amen 


For all the times we looked the other way, 

Forgive us. 

For the times we should have said something but stayed silent, 

Forgive us.


For the times we shut our doors and hearts to the need of others, 

Forgive us.


Unlock our hearts and pour in your love until it overflows to all the world, to your praise and glory, through your grace and mercy, we pray. 



HYMN: Songs of Fellowship 1030.

The Lord’s my shepherd (And I will trust in you alone)

READINGColossians: 3 1-17 

Jesus: The Resurrection and the Life

REFLECTION: We’re in it together

In a confused and confusing world, as it is at the moment, it is important to know who we are. It is still God’s world and we are still his people. We are, as Paul says elsewhere, the Body of Christ. To know what that means, we have to look to Christ. We are as he is. We are Christ’s people in God’s world. Together, we share in the life of the risen Jesus and embody God’s good, new world order. 

This life is mediated to us by the Holy Spirit and so, together, we draw on these resources to make a difference in the world. What sort of difference? Helping one another, helping people at their point of need, whoever they are, wherever they come from. Working together, we can make a difference in a confusing and confused world as we draw on the resources of love available to us in Christ. It is a comfort to know that, whatever happens, God loves and cares for us. 


HYMN: Songs of Fellowship 61.

Christ the Lord is risen today


Lord our God, in these times of lockdown and fear and uncertainty, we come to you for guidance and help. We need you more than ever. 

We pray for our government, that they will lead us wisely, and compassionately.

We pray for peace, for a real and lasting peace across the whole globe for all people; for the Kingdom of God to come, and for all people to know Christ.

We pray for all those who are struggling or ill, or worried about COVID and isolation, and those who are grieving the loss of loved ones. 

We pray, Lord, for those suffering from COVID, the people in hospital now, their families and the nurses and doctors caring for them.  

We pray for the people who need you the most, and those who think they need you the least. 

Lord, hear our prayersAmen

We say The Lords Prayer: Our Father 

HYMN: Songs of Fellowship 215.

I heard the voice of Jesus say


May the blessing of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all, now and forever.

Go in peace, to love and serve the Lord. 

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