Walking the Way
An initiative for discipleship from the United Reformed Church
Walking the Way: Living the Life of Jesus Today
To quote from the URC website:
Walking the Way is the umbrella term for the United Reformed Church’s
exciting focus on lifelong Christian discipleship and mission. When you
engage in Walking the Way, we hope that your own understanding of what
being a Christian disciple is deepens. You may grow beyond your dreams
in living as a disciple when you are in church and, perhaps more
importantly, when you are not.
There are resources available on the URC website for us to use - individually and when we meet together - as we prepare for Advent and Christmas, especially Prayers for the Season of Preparation which you can find here.
Here is part of the first of these prayers, prepared by the Scottish Synod:
God of grace,
Through the life,
suffering, death and resurrection of your Son Jesus, you revealed your love for
Through the gift of the
Spirit you give each one of us the strength to face the journey ahead.
Ready and prepared to
consciously go Walking the Way – living the life of Jesus today; we respond to his words of invitation, ‘follow me’.
Enable us to work
together; collaborating and sharing, encouraging and supporting, all with
generosity, compassion and love; as we go Walking the Way – living the life of
Jesus today.
Each week, the prayers take a different theme
The prayers for Week Five (2nd October)
those working with manual, retail and catering and
hospitality workers
were prepared by the East Midlands Synod.