Wednesday, 20 December 2017

Record breaking FRAMEWORK total


News just in from Dinah.

The Framework coffee morning held last Saturday in the Burton Joyce Community Church hall raised £285 towards work with the homeless in Nottingham. 

Added to the collection in the Co-op on Saturday morning, together with some very generous donations, this took the total collection for the village to £730 - our highest total ever.

Dinah says:
Thank you to everyone who supported us on Saturday.
 Well done, everyone.

Thank you for your support at the Framework coffee morning! £285!

Homelessness is becoming a major issue and resources are limited
Learn more and donate here on the FRAMEWORK website 

 Following on from our Gift Service on Sunday 10th December

Friday, 15 December 2017


Linda Stables

A service of thanksgiving  

Tuesday at 11.30am

A service will be held in memory of Linda Stables
  • at 11.30am on Tuesday 19th December 2017 
  • at Burton Joyce Community Church following a private family funeral
  • led by Rev Paul Worsnop from Sherwood Methodist Church

 We are grateful for the place Linda held in our lives and remember her with love


Monday, 11 December 2017

Community Crisis Appeal - the Friary

Community Crisis Appeal by the Friary

£30k target by the end of December 2017

  • Without your help the Friary will not be able to provide services to the rising numbers of local homeless people in Nottingham
  • the Friary services are needed but cannot keep pace with the rising demand without your help
  • Please respond today!
  • To donate £5 text FCCA55 £5 to 70070
  • To donate £10 text FCCA55 £10 to 70070

the Friary: working locally to end homelessness

Will you give to help us help them?

the Friary

0115 981 0009

December, January & February at BJCC

Services for December

you are warmly invited to all our services
  • 3rd  Phil Colbourn  Advent carols
  • 10th Rev Louise Gee  Gift service for The Friary
  • 17th  Jan Davies (Sherwood Methodist Church)
  • 24th  Rev Louise Gee  Christmas Eve communion
  • 25th  Rev Louise Gee  a short service for Christmas Day
  • 31st  Phil Colbourn  a New Year's Eve service

Note also:

Framework Coffee Morning, Saturday 16th December, 10am
raising funds to support the homeless

Carols round the crib, Saturday 23rd December, 4.30pm
open air community singing with members of the Carlton Silver Band
outside the Old School in the centre of the village
refreshments afterwards in the Community Church hall
a Burton Joyce Churches Together event 

Services for the New Year

 7th  -  Colin Wignall (Methodist local preacher, Sherwood)
14th  -  Ian Clarke  (Methodist local preacher, Arnold)
21st  -  Songs of Praise led by Dinah Dudley
28th  -  Rev Richard Byass (Methodist Superintendent Minister)
This service is our annual Covenant Service; United Service with Communion

4th  - Phil Colbourn with our monthly Fellowship Service
11th  -  Dr Francis Henman (Methodist local preacher, Mapperley)
18th  -  Mrs Jean Hudson (URC local preacher)
25th -  Rev Ruth Orton (Methodist minister rtd, Main Street, Carlton)
This service will be our monthly communion service
A very big THANK YOU to Dinah for arranging all our preachers and to the Nottingham East Methodist Circuit for their regular support and encouragement.

Christmas services, etc.

Christmas services

Carols by Candlelight
Monday 18th December 2017, 6pm
The story of the three kings
led by Rev David Legge

Christmas Eve
Sunday 24th December 2017, 10.30am
This service will include Communion
led by Rev Louise Gee

Christmas Day
Monday 25th December 2017, 9.30am
A short service to celebrate the birth of Christ 
led by Rev Louise Gee 

You would be very welcome to join us at any of these services

Remember too ...

Framework Coffee Morning
Saturday 16th December 2017, 10 - 12.30 
supporting the homeless at Christmas 
in the Community Church hall 

Carols round the Crib
Saturday 23rd December 2017, 4.30pm
open air community singing outside the Old School
with members of Carlton Silver Band
refreshments afterwards in Community Church hall 
a Churches Together event

Friday, 17 November 2017

Walking the Way

Walking the Way

An initiative for discipleship from the United Reformed Church

Walking the Way: Living the Life of Jesus Today

To quote from the URC website:
Walking the Way is the umbrella term for the United Reformed Church’s exciting focus on lifelong Christian discipleship and mission. When you engage in Walking the Way, we hope that your own understanding of what being a Christian disciple is deepens. You may grow beyond your dreams in living as a disciple when you are in church and, perhaps more importantly, when you are not. 
There are resources available on the URC website for us to use - individually and when we meet together - as we prepare for Advent and Christmas, especially Prayers for the Season of Preparation which you can find here.

 Here is part of the first of these prayers, prepared by the Scottish Synod:

God of grace,

Through the life, suffering, death and resurrection of your Son Jesus, you revealed your love for us.

Through the gift of the Spirit you give each one of us the strength to face the journey ahead.

Ready and prepared to consciously go Walking the Way – living the life of Jesus today; we respond to his words of invitation, ‘follow me’.


Enable us to work together; collaborating and sharing, encouraging and supporting, all with generosity, compassion and love; as we go Walking the Way – living the life of Jesus today.

Each week, the prayers take a different theme 

The prayers for Week Five (2nd October)

for those working with manual, retail and catering and hospitality workers
were prepared by the East Midlands Synod.

URC News / The Bridge Centre

URC News
From the East Midlands Synod of the United Reformed Church

The latest newsletter can be found here

The November 2nd edition of the newsletter starts with news from The Bridge Centre in Hyson Green at the Boulevard URC church on Gregory Boulevard. There is a lot going on. 

Here is an extract from the newsletter:
The Bridge Centre, hosted by Gregory Boulevard United Reformed Church, provides a community space, with a computer room, children’s play area, prayer room and cafe. 
On Mondays you can find a ‘cook and play’ session, on Tuesdays it’s ‘Tums and Toddlers’, on Wednesdays an interfaith group serves 60-70 free vegetarian meals, on Saturdays there are classes in maths and English for Romanian children and adults and the Law Centre provides weekly advice sessions for Romanians.
A monthly group funded by the City Council supports destitute and vulnerable people from Eastern Europe.  On 16th October the national Co-op HR team held a tea party in the Centre for the local community.  After years of struggling the Bridge Centre is thriving once again.
 The newsletter also has a lot of other news from around the East Midlands.

It's well worth a look!

Friday, 10 November 2017

Jesus says: I Am the Light

Jesus says: I am the light of the world

What did he mean?
In what sense is Jesus the Light of the World?

These questions take us to the heart of the Christian message. 

On one level it is very simple: If you are in the dark, switch the light on. 

As the days draw in at this time of the year, I find myself reaching for the light switch earlier and earlier in the day. When I go out in the car, the lights come on automatically. To speak of light presumes darkness. 

Jesus recognises that we often find ourselves in the dark or, at least, we feel as though we are in the dark. Often we don't know what to do for the best. We blunder around 'in the dark' making things worse rather than better. 

Into this 'dark', Jesus comes as 'the light'. 

Reach out for the switch: Let there be light!

Light, of course, shows things up. It shows how things are. This can be uncomfortable, even embarrassing and it is probably one of the reasons we avoid getting too close. If Jesus shows us up for what we are and shows what a mess we've made of things, we don't want to know.

Don't worry. He knows. He wants to help. 

Turning on the light is the first step in clearing up the mess and it is good to have someone helping who knows what they're about. The good news is that God knows what life is like and wants to help. It really is as simple as that.

Reach out.

And ... Light!

A prayer

Lord Jesus, you are the light of the world
Shine in our lives
Help us clear up the mess
And keep on shining and keep on helping
Keep us close to you
Stay close to us now and every day. Amen

Monday, 6 November 2017

Christmas is coming

Christmas is coming

At last! The order for our Christmas publicity has been placed with CPO of Worthing in Sussex. I've been working on this order for two or three weeks, umm-ing and aah-ing over what to include and what to leave out, trying to confirm dates and times, checking which events were (are, will be) happening and which were not. At last, it is off, sent and paid for courtesy of the internet and the wonders of modern technology. 

Time for a cup of tea.

If you want a sneak preview of what will be happening in the run-up to Christmas, check our Through the Year page. Details for Advent and Christmas are at the top. 

The posters and invitations from CPO should start appearing during the first week of December. Keep an eye open. Then Christmas really will be coming.


Monday, 16 October 2017

Lots of things happening

There are

Lots of things happening in the run-up to Christmas

Now the days are getting shorter and the evenings are drawing in, thoughts turn almost inevitably towards Christmas. It is still some way off of course but it helps to be prepared and so that is what we are doing, preparing for Advent and the Christmas season - if for no other reason that if we don't it will all happen so quickly that it will be over before we realise.

Here are some of the things happening between now and the big day.

One World Week: Sunday 22nd October 2017
United service

Charity Christmas Card Sale: Saturday 28th October 2017
Coffee morning

Halloween (All Hallows Eve)
: Tuesday 31st October 2017
All Saints Day: Wednesday 1st November 2017
All Souls Day: Thursday 2nd November 2017

Bonfire Night: Sunday 5th November 2017 

Remembrance Day: Saturday 11th November 2017
Remembrance Sunday: Sunday 12th November 2017

Autumn Lunches: Saturday 18th November 2017
Homemade soups and desserts. Raffle & Christmas novelties stall

And then in December, the four Sundays of Advent lead up to Christmas Day itself

Advent Sunday & Advent Carol Service: Sunday 3rd December 2017, 10.30 am
Gift service: Sunday 10th December 2017, 10.30 am
Gifts for The Friary, the Nottingham charity for the homeless 
(See leaflet on notice board in the hall or the charity's website)

Framework Coffee Morning: Saturday 16th December 2017, 10 - 12noon
Raffle, 'Make me an offer' stall, Cake stall + coffee and cakes
All proceeds in support of the Framework homeless charity

Carols by Candlelight: Monday 18th December 2017, 6.30 pm

Carols round the crib: Saturday 23rd December 2017, 4.30 pm
Churches Together event

Christmas Eve : Sunday 24th December 2017, 10.30 am
Morning worship 

Christmas Day: Monday 25th December 2017

Saturday, 30 September 2017

Our Harvest Festival 2017

Harvest Festival at BJCC

This year our service of Harvest Thanksgiving is Sunday 8th October at 10.30am. 

The preacher is Revd Ruth Orton a retired minister from Carlton Main Street Methodist Church and a good friend of BJCC. 

The service will be followed by a Bring and Share lunch.

Our Harvest gifts of food and produce will go to Emmanuel House 
Donations of money will be sent to Water Aid

Join us if you can.

Thursday, 14 September 2017

Big MacMillan Coffee Morning

The Big MacMillan Coffee Morning

Friday 29th September 2017

in the Community Church Hall, Meadow Lane 
09.00 -12.00h

Pop in for a coffee on Friday morning on 29th September and join in the money raising effort for MacMillan Cancer Support


Tuesday, 5 September 2017

BJCC Facebook group

BJCC Facebook group

 Join our new Facebook group and keep up to date with what is going on.

Find the group at BJCC Facebook (this link opens in a new window)

Ride & Stride coffee morning

Ride & Stride Coffee Morning

Saturday 9th September 2017

This is an annual event in support of historic churches in Nottinghamshire. Please come along if you can to the Community Hall at Burton Joyce Community Church any time between 10 an 12 noon on Saturday (9th September).

See the Ride & Stride website

Monday, 4 September 2017

September, October ...

September, October ...

There's a lot going on at BJCC this month as we move slowly but surely into Autumn and the nights draw in.

First, the kitchen in the Community Hall (aka Schoolroom, aka Church Hall) has been completely refurbished and is looking brand spanking new. Well, that's because it is brand spanking new. If you have not had the chance to look at it yet, call in sometime and see what you think or, better still, join one of our indefatigable teams who make tea and coffee for the for all the lovely people who make use of the Hall, for example ....

Next, Ride & Stride returns on Saturday 9th September. There will be a Coffee Morning in aid of Nottinghamshire Historic Churches Trust in the Community Hall in the morning followed by open church in the afternoon to welcome all the walkers and cyclists as they pass by and offer them some refreshment. Do come along.

Then, the annual MacMillan Coffee Morning takes place on Friday 29th September.

Meanwhile, in other news, our usual cycle of weekly events continues and we have our quarterly Church Meeting on Tuesday 5th September, 1.30pm for 2pm. 

You can check out the annual cycle of events at BJCC here.

Monday, 7 August 2017

Sunday Worship Summer & Autumn 2017

Sunday worship for the Summer and Autumn
Please join us at 10.30am any Sunday morning

6    Songs of Praise with Dinah Dudley
13  Phil Colbourn - our own local preacher
20  Jane Edwards - Methodist local preacher from Sherwood
27   Rev Louise Gee (URC) - Communion

3    Family Service - led by our home team
10  Maurice Turner - Methodist local preacher from Sherwood
17  Colin Wignall - Methodist local preacher from Sherwood
24  Rev Louise Gee (URC) - Communion

1    Family Service led by our home team with a focus on prayer
8    Rev Ruth Orton - from Main Street Carlton Methodist Church
15  Lynda Kelly - Methodist local preacher from Sherwood
22  United Service
29  Rev Louise Gee (URC) - Communion

5     Family Service - led by our home team
12   Tim Coleman - Deacon in the Nottingham East Methodist Circuit
19   Rev Richard Byass -Superintendent Minister in the Nottingham East Methodist Circuit
26   Rev Louise Gee (URC) - Communion

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Bible discussion group

Bible discussion group

We enjoyed a lively discussion at this morning's Bible discussion group led by Sheila around a verse in Hebrews chapter 4.
For the word of God is alive and active, sharper than any two-edged sword. It penetrates to the division of soul and spirit, to the joints and marrow, judging the thoughts and attitudes of our hearts.  Hebrews chapter 4 verse 12

The Bible discussion group meets alternate Tuesday mornings at 10 o'clock at the church or in someone's home. See the weekly notices for details. Next time we will be looking at a verse in Paul's letter to the Philippians (chapter 2 verse 16). Come along! We start with tea and coffee and then share our thoughts on the passage beginning and ending with prayer.

Hold firm to the word of life and then I will be able to boast that I did not run the race or labour in vain. Philippians 2, 16

It's Easter!

Easter at Burton Joyce Community Church

Join us for Easter at Burton Joyce Community Church

On Good Friday morning come and share in a joint service at St Helen's at 10.30 

On Easter Sunday join us for our morning service at BJCC 10.30

You will be very welcome

Friday, 24 March 2017

Mothering Sunday

Mothering Sunday

This Sunday, 26th March 2017, we will celebrate the vital role of mothering in our lives with a special service led by our worship leader Dinah Dudley and members of the congregation. Expect a mix of familiar hymns, readings and prayers concluding with chocolates & flowers! 

Traditionally, Mothering Sunday was a day for the members of 'daughter' churches to return to the 'mother' church and all praise God together. Nowadays, we tend to think of it as "Mothers' Day" although that is in fact a different tradition. Both are worth celebrating. It is about coming home and it is about celebrating the place of love and care in our lives. We give thanks for all the love and care we receive and for those who love and care for us and for others.

Followed by tea and coffee in the church hall.

Please come.

See here for more about MOTHERING SUNDAY

You will see from the history of Mothering Sunday (above) that it is a good day to return to church, even if you have not been there for a long while. Come and join us. Come home.

URC newsletter

Spring 2017 newsletter 
East Midlands Synod of the United Reformed Church
Children's and Youth Work

In this action-packed issue of the newsletter:

  • A look forward to Greenbelt 2017
  • Big Day Out at Warwick on Saturday 20th May
  • A report from the 2017 Youth Assembly

  • Synod Youth Camp 5-12th August
  • Family Ministry Course
  • Messy Church resources

  • Core Skills Training for youth and children's work 
  • Child Friendly Church self-assessment
  • Celebrating Freedom on June 11th 2017  (A united service? A party?)

Take a look here: URC C&Y NEWSLETTER

Friday, 24 February 2017

What's on next Sunday? 2

Sunday services 

February, March, April and May 2017

Morning worship starts at 10.30 am 
Followed by coffee in the church hall

12th    Rev Chris Ford (URC pulpit exchange)
19th    Mr Gary Eagling (and Rachel, Methodist local preachers in training) 
26th    Rev Malcolm Fife
         this will be Malcolm's last service with us before he moves to take up his new responsibilities and ministry in Merseyside / Lancashire. We wish him well

5th     Fellowship service - Phil Colbourn & Dinah Dudley
        no visiting preacher this week, just the local team 
12th   Rev David Monkton 
        Morning Worship with Communion
        we are grateful to David for stepping in to plug a gap
19th    Ian Wood (Methodist local preacher)
26th    Mothering Sunday service led by Dinah Dudley

2nd     Fellowship service (the home team again)
9th      Palm Sunday - URC preacher to be confirmed
14th    Good Friday - joint service at St Helen's at 10.30am
16th    Easter Sunday - Rev David Monkton
    we are pleased to welcome David back again to lead our Easter celebration 
23rd    URC preacher to be confirmed 
30th    Lynda Kelly (Methodist local preacher) 

7th      Fellowship service (it's the local team)
14th    Jan Davies (Methodist local preacher)
21st    URC preacher to be confirmed
28th    Rhona North (Methodist local preacher)

That's all for now. More later when I have the details


Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Pancake Day!

It is Pancake Day next Tuesday (Shrove Tuesday, 28th February 2017)

There's still time to buy the ingredients you need for making and eating pancakes next Tuesday. Or, if you're like me, you can cheat and buy ready-made pancakes and a squeezy lemon. But what we should be doing is using up all the fat in the larder ready for the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday when (historically) people fasted for forty days leading up to Easter. Not so common these days I have to admit, not even in this household. We might think about giving up chocolate or biscuits but even that is a tough one. Well, you know what they say: It's the thought that counts.


Here are two recipes:
Easy Pancakes from BBC Good Food - Pancakes
Basic Pancakes from Delia Smith - More pancakes


Of course, Pancake Day is also known as Shrove Tuesday or Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday). So if you want you can have a Carnival like they do in Rio. [Rio!]

If you would like something to read during Lent, I can recommend the book of Lent reflections by Delia Smith : A Feast for Lent   You may find a copy on the book shelves at the front of the church and there are other Lent books there too. So have a look next time you are in church.

Burton Joyce Community Church
On the corner of Meadow Lane

Friday, 10 February 2017

A Busy Week

A Busy Week
13th - 17th February

Monday 13th February 
2.30 pm : Friendship Circle

Tuesday 14th February 
St Valentine's Day
10 am : Bible Discussion Group
11 am : Service at Carnarvon House

Wednesday 15th February
10.30 am : Prayer Group at 1 Broadmead

Thursday 16th February
9.30 am : Prayers with coffee
10 am - 12 noon : Open church

Friday 17th February
9.45 am : Coffee pop-ins

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Folk Night

FOLK NIGHT at The Dales URC Church, Bakersfield
Saturday 28th January, from 7.30pm
Featuring Malcolm Fife and Steve, Julie and Paul Carbuncle

An evening of folk and acoustic music at The Dales Church, Bakerfield. Admission free. Donations of money or food received for the The Friary Food Bank. Come along for a great evening of music. All proceeds to The Friary - working locally to end homelessness

Folk Night
The Dales URC Church, Bakersfield. NG3 7GL 
Saturday 28th January, from 7.30pm

Big Hymn Sing

Sunday 29th January at 2.30pm

The votes are in. Are you in good voice?

The Hymn Sing will take place on the aftenoon of Sunday 29th January at St Helen's Church in Burton Joyce. Come and sing your favourite hymns. Refreshments will be provided after the Sing.

Hymn Sing
St Helen's Church
Burton Joyce
Sunday 29th January at 2.30pm

Valentine's Day

VALENTINE'S DAY Coffee Pop-ins
Friday 10th February 2017

Yes, it's never too early to be thinking about your Valentines.

This is an early notice to alert you to the Special Valentines Pop-ins at Burton Joyce Community Church which will take place from 9.45am on the morning of Friday 10th February 2017. There will be a raffle but no other stalls (apart from a cake stall) but, as usual, we would be grateful if you could contribute valentine biscuits and cakes to sell with the coffee or take home. Money raised will go to the Community Church Charities Fund.

Valentine's Day Coffee Pop-ins
Friday 10th February 2017

Our Covenant Service

Sunday 22nd January 2017, 10.30am

At the start of each year, Methodists get together to make a special New Year Resolution and this is a tradition we are glad to continue at Burton Joyce Community Church.

In the Covenant Service, we reaffirm for another year our commitment to God and agree to live life with the help of the Holy Spirit in as far as we are able. Apart from anything else, it is a response to God's love as shown to us in the Lord Jesus Christ and an opportunity to look ahead and set a new course for a new year. 

Join us this year if you can: this Sunday at Burton Joyce Community Church, 10.30am. The service will be led by our minister Rev Malcolm Fife and we will be joined by members of other churches from the village and the surrounding area. 

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son so that whoever believed in Him would not perish but would inherit eternal life in all its abundance

Monday, 9 January 2017

What's on Next Sunday?

Sunday morning worship for 2017
The morning service begins at 10.30

1st          Rev Ruth Orton; Methodist, Main Street Carlton
8th         Mr Graham Houldsworth; URC, Hucknall
15th       Mr Philip Colbourn; Burton Joyce Community Church
22nd      Rev Malcolm Fife; United Service and Covenant Service
29th       Mrs Shiela Ashmore; URC, Oxton

5th        Mr Ian Thompson; Methodist, Thurgarton
12th        (details to come)

We've had some good times already this year, with Ruth Orton on New Year's Day and Graham Houldsworth last Sunday - Graham brought his guitar and sang three of his own songs which was a treat in itself - so join us if you can for worship on Sunday morning. We would be delighted to see you.

More updates on Sunday morning worship here soon.
You can check out our regular events and activities Here

Note: Covenant Service: Sunday 22nd January 2017
A United Service in which we are joined by members of other local churches
The Covenant Service is an important tradition within the Methodist Church

Friday, 6 January 2017

The Ghost of Christmas Past

So, that's it; done and dusted for another year. Take down the lights and put the decorations away in the attic, dispose of the tree. Now, it's just the long, dark haul to Easter and Spring.

But, hey! Not so fast. Today is Epiphany, the day the Wise Men came to Jesus. It is not quite all over yet. 

Why did they come? Because they saw the star in the east and, travelling west following the star, they came eventually to the place where Jesus was, as the Good Book says.

A cold coming we had of it,
Just the worst time of the year
For a journey, and such a long journey:
The ways deep and the weather sharp,
The very dead of winter.   TS Eliot. The Journey of the Magi

And this was the moment
When a few farm workers and three
Members of an obscure Persian sect

Walked haphazard by starlight straight
Into the kingdom of heaven.    UA Fanthorpe. BC - AD

That's it: 'straight into the kingdom of heaven'. The Wise Men came to see Jesus and they were changed for ever. 

It can be the same for us. 

Here's the secret: keep Christmas inside you, store it up where nobody else can see, put it in the attic of your heart and - this is the paradox - everybody will know, everybody will see, because your live will be changed for ever from within, imperceptively, unmistakably. That's what the kingdom of heaven does for you. Remember Scrooge?

"Are you the Spirit, sir, whose coming was foretold to me?" asked Scrooge.
"I am."
The voice was soft and gentle. Singularly low, as if instead of being so close beside him, it were at a distance.
"Who, and what are you?" Scrooge demanded.
"I am the Ghost of Christmas Past."
"Long Past?" inquired Scrooge: observant of its dwarfish stature.
"No. Your past."

Today is the Feast of the Epiphany. Come to Jesus with the Magi. Be changed.

 You can find more about Epiphany here and here