Sunday services
February, March, April and May 2017
Morning worship starts at 10.30 am
Followed by coffee in the church hall
12th Rev Chris Ford (URC pulpit exchange)
19th Mr Gary Eagling (and Rachel, Methodist local preachers in training)
26th Rev Malcolm Fife
this will be Malcolm's last service with us before he moves to take up his new responsibilities and ministry in Merseyside / Lancashire. We wish him well
5th Fellowship service - Phil Colbourn & Dinah Dudley
no visiting preacher this week, just the local team
12th Rev David Monkton
Morning Worship with Communion
we are grateful to David for stepping in to plug a gap
19th Ian Wood (Methodist local preacher)
26th Mothering Sunday service led by Dinah Dudley
2nd Fellowship service (the home team again)
9th Palm Sunday - URC preacher to be confirmed
14th Good Friday - joint service at St Helen's at 10.30am
16th Easter Sunday - Rev David Monkton
we are pleased to welcome David back again to lead our Easter celebration
23rd URC preacher to be confirmed
30th Lynda Kelly (Methodist local preacher)
7th Fellowship service (it's the local team)
14th Jan Davies (Methodist local preacher)
21st URC preacher to be confirmed
28th Rhona North (Methodist local preacher)
That's all for now. More later when I have the details
It is Pancake Day next Tuesday (Shrove Tuesday, 28th February 2017)
There's still time to buy the ingredients you need for making and eating pancakes next Tuesday. Or, if you're like me, you can cheat and buy ready-made pancakes and a squeezy lemon. But what we should be doing is using up all the fat in the larder ready for the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday when (historically) people fasted for forty days leading up to Easter. Not so common these days I have to admit, not even in this household. We might think about giving up chocolate or biscuits but even that is a tough one. Well, you know what they say: It's the thought that counts.
Here are two recipes:
Easy Pancakes from BBC Good Food - Pancakes
Basic Pancakes from Delia Smith - More pancakes
Of course, Pancake Day is also known as Shrove Tuesday or Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday). So if you want you can have a Carnival like they do in Rio. [Rio!]
If you would like something to read during Lent, I can recommend the book of Lent reflections by Delia Smith : A Feast for Lent You may find a copy on the book shelves at the front of the church and there are other Lent books there too. So have a look next time you are in church.
Burton Joyce Community Church
On the corner of Meadow Lane
A Busy Week
13th - 17th February
Monday 13th February
2.30 pm : Friendship Circle
Tuesday 14th February
St Valentine's Day
10 am : Bible Discussion Group
11 am : Service at Carnarvon House
Wednesday 15th February
10.30 am : Prayer Group at 1 Broadmead
Thursday 16th February
9.30 am : Prayers with coffee
10 am - 12 noon : Open church
Friday 17th February
9.45 am : Coffee pop-ins