Covenant and Valentines
The year is off to a good start.
We were very glad to welcome Rev Richard Byass to lead our Covenant service on Sunday 28th January. We were delighted too to welcome our friends from St Helens and from the other churches of the parish, St Luke Stoke Bardolph and Holy Trinity Bulcote.
Thanks to everyone who helped make the Valentine Day coffee pop-ins a success on Friday 16th February.
It seems Christmas is hardly over and we are plunged into prepartions for Easter. The shops are already full of Easter Eggs and Hot Cross Buns. Easter is early this year. Valentine's Day, February 14th, was also Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent and Easter Sunday is on 1st April which raises interesting possibilities.
Whatever you are doing or not doing for Lent, why not join us on the journey? Here are just some of the things happening at BJCC between now and Easter Day itself:
Womens' World Day of Prayer: Friday 6th March 2018
Churches Together. Lowdham Methodist Church at 2.30 pm
Church Meeting:
Tuesday 6th March 2017 at 2 pm
Mothering Sunday: Sunday 11th March 2018, 10.30 am
Sunday worship celebrating all who care for others
Palm Sunday: Sunday 25th March 2018, 10.30 am
Sunday worship at the start of Holy Week
Maundy Thursday: Thursday 29th March 2018
Good Friday:
Friday 30th March 2018, tbc
A short service of prayer and meditation
Easter Day: Sunday 1st April 2018
Breakfast bacon and tomato at 9.30
Easter morning worship with communion at 10.30 am
Followed by coffee
He is risen!