Friday, 11 January 2019

Sunday services for January & February 2019

Sunday Services Jan-Feb 2019

6th - Epiphany. Revd Louise Gee
13th - Revd John Wiseman
20th - Covenant / United Service.  Revd David Monkton
27th - Mr Geoff Ware

3rd - Mr Phil Colbourn
10th - Mr Maurice Turner
17th - Communion. Revd Louise Gee
24th - Rev Richard Byass 

Services start at 10.30am
Please come. You will be warmly welcomed
Coffee follows the service

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!

A bit late, I know, but you know how it is:

All that Christmas stuff to put away. I haven't had a minute.

So, what's new?

Oh, but did you have a nice Christmas? I do hope so. But if not, you can always pop along for coffee on Friday morning or one of our other groups during the week. There's always something going on and you'd be very welcome.

Check out what we have Week by week

Or look at the longer term Through the year

That's all for now. Catch up with you later. Must run ...