Saturday, 4 July 2020

Lockdown Blues

Lockdown Blues

It's been a while. We've been away on a virtual cruise in the Baltic. To be honest, I needed a break and in the world-before-coronavius we would actually have been on a Baltic cruise in June (although that seems now like some species of insanity). So we sampled the cuisine of the various ports we would have visited, more or less, as far as we were able. 

In Helsinki, we asked our son & daughter-in-law what would be appropriate (they've been to Finland a couple of times). They said elk. So we ordered venison from our veggie-box people - Yes! That was our big lockdown discovery! The veggie-box people do other things too! Like bread and milk and meat and ready meals! After about a month without any we actually had a loaf of wholemeal bread. It put a whole new spin on "Give us this day our daily bread". - So, yes, well, the venison is still in the freezer. Maybe we will do Helsinki some other time. 

We did source some Danish pastries from Tesco but only after we had (theoretically) been to Denmark twice and arrived back at Tilbury. But that's the good thing about virtual cruising, you can be flexible. It doesn't matter. It's OK. You don't have to do it today. Next week will be fine.

So. I've been working on this poster for the last month (or more). It's almost done. 

It was supposed to be a simple paint on paper job. I don't know what happened. Somehow it took on a life of its own. Maybe another month and I'll be satisfied, but no guarantees. It may end up under the desk.

Jesus wept over the City. It's how I feel alot of the time, especially now, as lockdown is being lifted and the traffic on Church Road seems worse than ever it was before. 'Seems' is the operative word in that sentence. It was like living in Paradise to be able to cross the road almost at will and for the internal combustion powered vehicle to be an endangered species. 

It was like living in Paradise. Perhaps it was fool's paradise. Somehow, I still hope it was a foretaste of the way things are going to be. And soon. We've shown we can do it if we're scared enough.

That other poster is still up on the church noticeboard in Meadow Lane.

There really is an emergency. It hasn't gone away. So please leave your car at home. For me. 

Go on. You know you want to.

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