Sunday, 16 August 2020

Sunday service for 16th August 2020

Sunday service for 16th August 2020


Sunday 16th August 2020

In fellowship with Nottingham North East Circuit of the METHODIST CHURCH 

Prepared by Revd Moses Agyam & adapted by Phil Colbourn. Spend time with God, knowing that other people are sharing in worship with you. 

Welcome to this time of worship! 

We often say that we don’t have enough time – even in retirement! However, one of the gifts of this dreadful pandemic has been the gift of time. We are having to learn to wait, and be patient, before we can meet again in worship & fellowship. 

Today (& next week), we explore the theme of time & patience, waiting on God. Let us draw near with an open heart.


Time never stands still but our God is eternal

Yesterday, today and tomorrow God is still present

Here and now, in this precious time, may we meet with God

HYMN: Songs of Fellowship 405. 

Now thank we all our God 


God of day & night, sun’s setting & rising, you are God of time & eternity. In each moment of each day, you are in our midst. For your presence, we bless you. For your love, we thank you. For the promise of eternity, we worship you. Time never stands still but you are always active. We have sought to serve you in different ways but we have often let you and ourselves down. In a moment of quietness, we take time to reflect and ask for forgiveness & for the chance to begin again.Silence for personal confession. Lord, remind us of your unfailing love and grace, given for all time and eternity. Amen.

HYMN: Songs of Fellowship 41. 

Be still and know that I am God

THE WORD– Luke 2:25-35 

Simeon sees the child Jesus in the Temple

REFLECTION: Waiting Patiently 

One of the lessons we’re learning through this pandemic is patience and with it, the gift of waiting. There is a wonderful image of patience in old western movies: People are rocking their chairs on porches, waiting for whatever will come. Rocking & waiting. Waiting & rocking. We might picture Simeon as an old man rocking in his chair on the porch. He had been promised he would see God’s chosen one before he died, but he had to wait, until the day Jesus was brought to the temple. God promises us his love & faithfulness but we often fret with the direction our lives are taking. 

It is only when we look back that we see some sense of purpose. Times of trial can bring new things to fruition. Times of wilderness strengthen us for the journey. Times of loss restore our faith in friendship & fellowship. Like Simeon, we look to Christ, and one day we will see him. For now, we have the gifts of time & life to enjoy & use wisely. Adel Bestavros says: ‘Patience with others is love, patience with self is hope, patience with God is faith’. Faith, love and hope: these are the virtues we need for a time like this. May our waiting be a time of purpose & our lives become a testimony of faith

Time to reflect: 

• On what we are waiting for • On how patient we are with God and others • On times past that make greater sense now • On the example of Simeon. 

HYMNSongs of Fellowship 1575. 

Wait for the Lord, whose day is near. (x3)


Eternal, healing God. We pray for all people living under oppression or violence, or facing domestic abuse during isolation - that peace will reign. 

Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer 

We pray for everyone who knows the loss of hopes and dreams, or of love, and where grief and pain have become unwelcome companions. 

Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer 

We pray for all who have regrets & long for freedom through forgiveness and all who are fearful for the future or for whom this time is difficult. 

Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer 

In a time of stillness, we bring our own prayers to God, who has promised to hear us: [Silence]. Lord of eternity, we trust you now and always. Amen 

We gather our prayers in the words Jesus taught us: 

Our Father … 

HYMN: Songs of Fellowship 108. Fill thou my life 


Lord, we have met with you this day. All time is in God’s hands

Into your hands we commit our lives. Bless us, O Lord God of life 

Send us out in your name. Go with us now, we pray.


May God bless, preserve and keep you, now and for evermore. Amen


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