Friday 2 April 2021

Easter Sunday


Nottingham North East Circuit 

Easter Day, Sunday 4th April 2021 


Mary Magdalene discovers the ‘new normal’ with Jesus. 

This short act of worship has been prepared by Revd Moses Agyam for you to use at home. Spend a few moments with God, knowing that other people are sharing this act of worship with you. 


Alleluia. Christ is risen. 

Christ is risen indeed. Alleluia 


Hymn – S0F 2020 

See, what a morning, 



Risen Lord Jesus, present with us now, open our hearts to receive you, open our minds to understand you, ignite our will to follow you. Bring your resurrection life to all that is dead in us, your living hope to all that despairs, your risen joy to all that is sorrowful, bring your love to transform our living. May our lives touch all those we meet, that all your children may come to know you, to be their life, joy, hope and love. Amen



You ask for faith and trust; we demand proof and certainty. 

Lord have mercy 


Your love is stronger than death; we built tombs around our hearts. 

Christ have mercy 


You bring a message of hope; we linger in comfortable despair. 

Lord have mercy 


Silent prayer in which we bring our personal confessions to the Lord. 

Come, life-giving spirit, touch and heal all that has been buried in us, that we need not cling to our pain, but may go forth with power to release resurrection in the world. Through Christ our Lord, Amen. 



Heal the broken with comforting words of God. Cheer them gently with earthly joys. Be merry; laugh with the broken and carry their secret needs in the deepest silence of your heart. 


Hymn – SoF 594 

When I feel the touch


GOSPEL READING – John 20:1-18 


SERMON (abbreviated) 

(see separate post for Moses' full sermon)

The two angels at the tomb say to Mary Magdalene, 

“Woman, why are you weeping?” 


It has been quite a tumultuous week for Mary. 


Like Mary, we have had a tumultuous year. The darkness of the pandemic, of lost – lives, incomes, stability, of grief, isolation, mental health etc. We recognise too own personal darkness, which we can name before the risen Lord. For us, this Easter is about resurrected lament. But this is Easter day. As light returns to earth on this resurrection dawn, we find that it brings new life, the dawn of a new creation and a new beginning.


Jesus’ first word is to call her by name. “Mary”.

Jesus’ second words to Mary strikes us as harsh and puzzling. “Don’t touch me.” I have not yet ascended to the Father.


Jesus’ final words in this passage to Mary are one of sending and commission. Even this is a surprise. We expect Jesus to say, 

“Go...and tell them that I have been raised from the dead”.

Instead, Jesus says, “Go...and say to them [the disciples], ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God’”. 


*Hold a brief moment for pondering and then when you feel ready, let’s sing this hymn together. 


Hymn – SoF 531 

The head that once was crowned with thorns



God of science and discovery, we give thanks for the discovering of vaccine a year on of this pandemic, for all continuing to explore medical cure for the virus; for the successful rollout of vaccination in this country, many of us already recipients of the vaccine, that we may be protected leading to greater health freedom in the society at large. Lord deliver us against ‘vaccine nationalism’ and hoarding that all people everywhere may have equal share and opportunity for vaccination. 


Lord of life, hear us in your love. 


God of certainty and doubt, we pray for all who are doubtful of your presence in the face of the current crisis, for people of faith, for searchers, for sceptics. As we search for meaning today, may we open the door to you who gives all meaning. 


Lord of life, hear us in your love. 


God of love and relationship, we pray for all who are experiencing difficulty in their relationship, for families of all shapes, for friendships, for those who are alone because of social distancing measures or fear. As we search for connection and belonging, may we open the door to your love and presence. 


Lord of life, hear us in your love. 


Alpha and Omega, our beginning and our end, you break through the locks of gated communities and hardened hearts accepts our doubts, heal our desire for certainty and, by your Spirit’s gentle touch, make us a people forgiven and forgiving; through Jesus Christ, giver of peace and wholeness. 


Lord of life, hear us in your love. Amen.

Let us conclude in the words Jesus himself taught us: 

The Lord’s prayer 


Hymn – SoF 61 

Christ the Lord is risen today; 



May the love of the cross,
the power of the resurrection,
and the presence of the Living Lord, be with you always.
And the blessing of the Eternal God, 

Creator and Sustainer,
Risen Lord and Saviour,
Giver of holiness and love,
be upon you now and evermore. Amen. 


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