3 October 2021
Prepared by Revd Louise Gee; adapted by Phil Colbourn with prayers and reflection from Christian Aid.
Hymns: Songs of Fellowship (SoF)
Opening sentences: Psalm 19:1-6
The heavens are telling the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims his handiwork. Day to day pours forth speech, and night to night declares knowledge. There is no speech, nor are there words; their voice is not heard; yet their voice goes out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world.
Hymn SoF 290 Jesus is Lord!
In silent prayer, give God thanks for autumn and whatever you most enjoy about this season. ‘Let everything that breathes praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!’ We are grateful for every breath, conscious that Covid19 reminds us how every breath is precious. Creator God, from the tree of the garden of Eden, to the tree in the city in Revelation, we thank you for your vision of creation healed. Help us be your agents restoring, tending to the beauty of the Earth and healing the nations. In Jesus name, Amen.
The Lord’s Prayer
Readings: Joel 2: 21-27 and John 4: 31-38
Hymn SoF 585 We plough the fields and scatter
It is our Harvest Festival service today, and we are remembering the climate emergency and the risks and dangers it poses for all of us in every part of the world. In Africa, for example, Christian Aid works alongside Women’s Groups. Climate change affects people like Janet and her friends in their local group. In this Women's Group, they work as a team to harvest the fruit of the baobab tree, making juice to sell at market. Using the trees, these women have transformed their lives and the lives of others.
The baobab tree is remarkable. It is a tree of life: a source of water, food, vitamins, medicine, fibre, shelter and much more. Individual trees can live for a thousand years or more. It has a special place at the heart of African culture and the baobab fruit is a common sight in African markets. It has a light, citrusy taste which makes an excellent refreshing juice. This tree, and its fruit, has made all the difference to Janet and her friends. But the tree is threatened along with other plants and animals by the climate crisis. If temperatures keep rising, these ancient trees may die and people who depend on them become displaced as refugees.
So, this Harvest, Christian Aid are also supporting the Young Christian Climate Network (YCCN) who are on a pilgrimage across the UK to raise awareness forclimate justice. Young people are taking turns walking in relay all the way from the South West of England to Glasgow, to the UN climate talks at COP26, calling for immediate action to stop global warming.
Climate change has a disproportionate impact on the lives of people in the global south who do not have many resources. The richer nations must step up and act to secure a just future for all.
Hymn SoF 466 Praise, my soul, the king of heaven
Pray for Christian Aid’s church partners in Africa as they work to encourage conservation farming. Thank God that this needs less work, uses fewer chemicals and produces larger harvests.
Ask God to help farmers to work together. Pray for communities sharing tools, resources and better techniques. Pray for success as farmers seek fair prices and new markets for their crops.
Pray for long-term impacts, that profits from pigeon peas, baobab and other crops will pay for nutritious diets for children and for schooling. Pray for investment to give security in future droughts.
Ask God to help Janet and her friends in the Women’s Groups to make a secure living from the fruit of the land.
Pray for COP26, for the preparations & for climate justice
Hymn SoF 405 Now thank we all our God
Final Prayer Let us share the Grace together. Amen
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