Thursday, 14 October 2021

Sunday 10th October 2021




Nottingham North East Circuit

This short act of worship has been prepared for you by one of our local preachers, Jan Davies.

Theme: Encountering God on ‘Pilgrimage’

Introduction: Most people who go on a pilgrimage hope to encounter God and see more clearly the road ahead. You are invited to come on a pilgrimage of the imagination, there to encounter God. This is a meditation service – so no sermon. However, there are stories, a poem and prayers around a theme. Jesus told many stories but He did not often say what they meant. It was left up to us to interpret them. You will notice that there are times of quiet reflection when we can look at what these might mean for us. 

Prayers: Adoration and Praise
Blessed are you, Lord our God
Your word brought light and life from chaos Your light still shines in the darkness of an evil world, and has never been extinguished.
Praise be to you, Lord God. Blessed are you, mighty, creator God.
We glimpse some of your creative energy in the magnificence and wonder, the colour and beauty, of the created universe, or in the minute detail of the living cell or in a new born child.
Praise be to you, Creator God. Blessed are you, Lord Jesus Christ.
You welcomed the little children, Shared the pain of the suffering and marginalised, who touched the leper and healed the blind.

Praise be to you, Lord Jesus Christ. Blessed are you, Lord Jesus.
Your hands stretched out in love on a cross. Our lives are bound up for eternity in your resurrection life.
Praise be to you, Lord. Blessed are you, Spirit of the living God.
You inflame the hearts of those who love you. You inspire our worship and guide us in the path that leads to life.

Praise be to you Spirit of the Living God. AMEN

Hymn: SoF 1377: Jesus, be the Centre 

Part One: Unexpected Encounter 

Jeremiah 29:4-14 (A letter of Jeremiah to the exiles in Babylon)

Poem: by John Betjeman ‘The Sharp Conversion of St Paul’ 

Now is the time when we recall 

The sharp Conversion of St. Paul. 

Converted! Turned the wrong way round – 

A man who seemed till then quite sound, 

Keen on religion – very keen –
No-one, it seems, had ever been

So keen on persecuting those
Who said that Christ was God and chose 

To die for this absurd belief
As Christ had died beside the thief. 

Then in a sudden blinding light
Paul knew that Christ was God all right – 

And very promptly lost his sight. 

Poor Paul! They led him by the hand

He who had been so high and grand 

A helpless blunderer, fasting, waiting, 

Three days inside himself debating 

In physical blindness: ‘As it’s true 

That Christ is God and died for you, 

Remember all the things you did 

To keep His gospel message hid.
Remember how you helped them even
To throw the stones that murdered Stephen. 

And do you think that you are strong 

Enough to own that you were wrong?’ 

They must have been an awful time, 

Those three long days repenting crime 

Till Ananias came and Paul
Received his sight, and more than all 

His former strength, and was baptized. 

Saint Paul is often criticized 

By modern people who’re annoyed 

At his conversion, saying Freud 

Explains it all. But they omit
The really vital point of it, 

Which isn’t how it was achieved 

But what it was that Paul believed. 

He knew as certainly as we
Know you are you and I am me
That Christ was all He claimed to be. 

What is conversion? Turning round 

From chaos to a love profound. 

And chaos too is an abyss
In which the only life is this. 

Such a belief is quite all right
If you are sure like Mrs. Knight 

And think morality will do
For all the ills we’re subject to. 

But raise your eyes and see with Paul 

An explanation of it all.

Injustice, cancer’s cruel pain, 

All suffering that seems in vain,
The vastness of the universe, 

Creatures like centipedes and worse – 

All part of an enormous plan
Which mortal eyes can never scan 

And out if it came God to man.
Jesus is God and came to show
The world we live in here below
Is just an antechamber where
We for His Father’s house prepare. 

What is conversion? Not at all 

For me the experience of St. Paul, 

No blinding light, a fitful glow
Is all the light of faith I know 

Which sometimes goes completely out 

And leaves me plunging round in doubt 

Until I will myself to go
And worship in God’s house below – 

My parish Church – and even there 

I find distractions everywhere. 

Quiet Reflection

Part Two: Encounter By the lake
Peter’s Story of Encountering Jesus by the lake 

The morning sun has just risen above the Galilean hills. Long streaks of gold stream though the countryside and out onto the lake. This must be the most perfect spring morning. There is not a cloud in the sky. There’s a slight breeze ruffling the water of lake which glitters in the sunlight. And there is the smell of fish cooking on an open fire. Jesus is busily tending the fire seeming to give all His attention to it. We are all hungry after a night’s fishing. We hadn’t caught anything until the Master arrived. Then the catch was so great we could hardly pull in the net. Was He reminding me of the time three years ago when He called me away from the nets, “to catch people” he had said? In my confusion I had tried to go back to fishing. The truth is we can never go back. 

But as I sit here, I am very aware that this is the first time I have been alone with Jesus since He returned. The guilt I feel for leaving Him alone in the garden and then denying that I even knew Him – not once, but three times, is eating into my very soul and I am paralysed, unable to look Him in the face. Then Jesus speaks. He doesn’t look at me. He is busy tending the fire. “Do you love me more than these others do Peter?” 

I manage to find my voice, but just staring at my hands as I say “you know I love you Lord”. “Then feed my lambs”. He says it quietly. 

I am usually impetuous, always ready to speak – too ready some might say. I want to ask Him what He means but I am still weighed down by guilt. For a second time Jesus asks “Peter, do you love me?” Did He have to ask again? “Yes Lord, you know that I love you!” “Then look after my sheep” 

My face is burning red as He turns to look me full in the face, His eyes searching mine. “Peter, do you really love me?” My eyes fill with tears that run down my cheeks. How can He still doubt me? “Lord” I shout at Him, “you know everything. You know that I love you” Now He is smiling at me. He nods His head as He says “Yes Peter, feed my sheep” And now, suddenly, it is all clear. Others may condemn me for what I did but Jesus has forgiven me and that is all that matters. I will never return to the boats and fishing now. There is work to be done and a whole kingdom to win. He trusts me enough to put me in charge of His little flock. I have no idea what this is going to mean but just sitting here in the bright morning sunshine with him beside me, I think I can do anything. 


Can I ever go back Lord? When the confidence has gone, and I am unsure of my calling, when the road ahead is lost in the mist of confusion, can I go back? The familiar closes in around me, like a comfortable pair of slippers or the patched jacket I could never bring myself to throw away. I’m safe here. I can’t be buffeted by the stresses and strains of always trying to do the right thing. But you know Lord, that I am not safe here, not safe from you. Long ago Lord you put into my heart the longing for something more. You called me away from the familiar. You called me to an amazing adventure with you. You didn’t say it would be easy, but I accepted your challenge and didn’t you say that once we put our hand to the plough. There was no turning back. So, Lord, when I am confused, unsure of the way to go, stop me craving the safety of the familiar. My safety, although uncomfortable at times, is with you, my Lord. Amen

Reading: 1 John 1:1-4 

A time for quiet reflection 

Hymn: SoF 1030: The Lord’s my Shepherd 

Part Three: Encounter in the Garden
Voice of Mary Magdalene followed by prayer 

Have you ever reached that moment of calm emptiness when all the tears have been shed and the storm of emotion has passed, leaving only a tangled pain in your throat and chest but a merciful dullness in your mind? Well, that was how I felt early on that Sunday morning as we crept through the garden and out onto the hillside. The air held the promise of a beautiful day. The sky had changed from the inky blackness of night to the predawn grey of a new day. A spring mist hung over the valley below us. 

On Friday afternoon we had lifted Him gently from the cross; battered, bruised and bloody. For a moment I cradled Him in my arms and wiped away some of the blood. In spite of the battering His face had relaxed into the peace of death. For us there was no consolation except to know He would not be tipped with the others onto the rubbish heap in the Kedron Valley. Joseph had at last come out into the open and secured permission from the governor to give Him a decent burial. Perhaps Pilate felt some shame in the way he had been manipulated into this crucifixion. Whatever the reason, we could give the Master a proper burial. We only had time to get Him into the tomb and wipe away some of the dirt and blood before they dragged me away and sealed Him in. I couldn’t bear to think of Him lying cold and alone in the grave. His tomb was on a hillside, carved out of rock and surrounded by an olive grove. As we passed, the papery leaves rustled in the breeze of early dawn. The birds, first one and then others chuckled and twittered as though it was any other morning, as the first streaks of gold lit up the greyness of the sky. None of this touched the greyness inside for we had come to do Him one last service. Beyond that, there was no future for His light had gone out of our lives. 

But the great round stone - we had wondered how we were to move it - had been rolled to one side. We ducked our heads to peer into the gloom. All we could make out was that His body was gone and the grave clothes had been laid aside. How could they have stolen His body? Were they afraid of Him even in death? Couldn’t they leave us this one consolation? By the time I had stumbled out, the others had gone. Tears were again streaming from my eyes, already swollen with grief. The sun had risen and I was blinded by the light. 

That was when I saw Him standing in the shadow of the trees - a gardener perhaps. I shouted and He turned. “Where have you taken Him? Please! Please! Just show me!” I threw myself at His feet. Then He stepped from the shadow and whispered my name, “Mary”. I lifted my head from the ground. How could this be? Had I gone mad? I had seen Him die. But He is here, gloriously, magnificently alive. I flung myself at Him but He stepped back and smiled. “Don’t cling to me”. He was different. The Master that we knew was now revealed in all His glory. “Go and tell my brothers that I am alive”. I ran like the wind to find the others, to spread the news. But it was to me that He appeared first and I hug that knowledge to myself - it was to me. 


No wonder every one found it difficult to believe. They saw you die, carried your broken body to the tomb. How was it possible for Mary to find you again? And why did you step away from her? Why didn’t you let her cling to you? Only a week later you allowed Thomas to handle you – prove you were real. But Mary didn’t need proof. She knew you were her Lord. Did she want to cling to the past – want everything to go back to the way things were – Rely on your physical presence? The Lord she knew was now released for all time So I can encounter you – You are no longer a distant preacher in Palestine but an ever-present Lord for all time. Thank you, Lord, for those who, like Mary, let you go. And thank you for the consolation she felt in knowing that she was loved and trusted. As I too meet with you, where I least expect it May I too learn not to cling to the past
But realise that I am loved and trusted too. 

Quiet Reflection: 

Prayers: Confession: 

I am so busy Lord 

I don’t have time 

Demands are made 

I don’t have time 

I am tired, weary so I put off praying again today
I don’t have time 

Maybe tomorrow 

I don’t have time 

I just want to get this finished 

I don’t have time 

Father, we wonder why you feel so far away, why we don’t experience your guidance, why we stumble and fall so often. If it is because we don’t give you the time, forgive us and lead us to those places where we can encounter you. Thank you, Lord that you have promised to forgive us when we recognise our sin. So, forgive us and help us to make another fresh start in our journey with you. Amen

The Lord’s Prayer 

Prayers of Intercession: 

We pray for places of violence and hunger, Afghanistan, Yemen. 

We pray for refugees who have fled their homes to seek a new life. 

We pray for those suffering wild fires – those who have lost homes.

We pray for those who have known flooding. 

We pray for the Church: for those who live with persecution.

We pray for all the local churches, staff and people. Amen

Hymn: SoF 174: He who would valiant be 


The Lord who conquered darkness with light 

Grant us peace 

The Lord who conquered death with life 

Grant us peace 

The Lord who conquered loneliness with love 

Grant us peace 

And, may the Lord’s blessing go with us, this day and always Amen 



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