A Short Act of Worship
The Methodist Church has published this short act of worship to use if you are unable to attend church.
Call to worship:
Grace and peace to you from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ
Hymn: All my hope on God is founded
(You can find this hymn on YouTube here)
Let's pray together:
Lord, you are steadfast in your love
and infinite in your mercy;
I praise you for
what you have done in my life
(Take a few moments to name some of the good things)
Thank you for the gift of Jesus
who shows us what you are really like
You welcome everyone
no matter what they've done
and invite them to be your guests
Forgive me for when I've thought of myself
as better than other people
I confess my faults
I know you forgive
Thank you
A reading from the gospels:
John 4, 5-42
This is the story of a meeting of Jesus with a woman at a well
Take a moment to think about this
The woman had something very simple that Jesus needed: water
What do you have that God can use?
It was, to say the least, unconventional for a Jewish man like Jesus to ask a Samaritan woman for anything. By doing this, Jesus challenges the woman to think outside the box. What prevents us from sharing good things with other people?
Jesus says to the woman: "You are right in saying 'I have no husband' because you've had five husbands and the man you are living with now is not your husband..." he shows that he knows the woman better than she knows herself. But he does not go on to castigate her or tell her off. God knows it all, even the things we would prefer to keep hidden, and still loves us. That's the miracle.
When the disciples come back with the shopping, they are amazed, shocked even, that Jesus is talking to the woman. Sometimes doing the right thing, the good thing, meets with disapproval from other people, even from our friends. Knowing what is the good thing to do and doing it is part of walking with God every day and being sensitive to his Spirit.
Sit quietly for a while
A time of prayer:
God of all hope
I call on you today.
I pray for everyone who is living in fear:
Fear of illness
Fear for loved ones
Fear of other people's reactions.
May your Spirit give us a sense of calmness and peace
Thank you.
We pray for your church
here in Burton Joyce and around the world:
For anyone worried about attending worship
For everyone making difficult decisions
For those feeling isolated and alone
Give us wisdom and compassion
Give your peace
I pray for everyone troubled or ill,
anyone who needs my prayers
(Take time to pray)
Holy God,
I remember that you promise
Nothing will separate us from your love
We can see that in Jesus.
Help us turn eyes, hearts and minds to you
Eternal God,
in Jesus you have filled our lives with love
Help us in our trials and troubles
Make us strong even if we feel weak
Through our Lord Jesus Christ
The Lord's Prayer:
Our Father ...
Sing a verse of a hymn that comes to mind
May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ
the love of God
and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
be with you now and for evermore.
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