Virtual Pop-ins
This is me right now: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Hi! Grab yourself a cup of coffee and let's have a chat!
Pull up a chair.
There you go.
Have a biscuit. No? OK. No problem.
What kind of biscuits do you like best?

Ah. There they are! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
It's not quite the same, I know, but we don't have to be alone even if we are on our own and restricted in what we can do. The restrictions placed on our lives in response to the coronavirus outbreak (covid-19) may seem rather draconian but, from the evidence of what has been happening in places like China, South Korea, Italy and Spain, they are very needed.
But you don't want to talk about that. You want to talk about something else. Why not pick up the phone and give someone a call? Or if you have your mobile handy, send someone a text message, or WhatsApp, or Facebook, or whatever these things are called.
Look at these flowers. Aren't they beautiful?
What else is in the news?
Everything's been cancelled, right, left and centre: schools, libraries, what have you. Oh, by the way, if you go to the library today or tomorrow morning, you can borrow up to 48 items to keep you going during the siege. Forty-eight! I couldn't carry them. You'd need an articulated lorry to take them all home.
And anyway is it safe? I mean the books. They might all have coronavirus. How do you know? I've taken to carrying a pack of disinfectant wipes around with me all the time. But think of wiping down 48 books! Crazy. And anyway, does it work? Who knows.
Might be best just to download stuff on Kindle or whatever. Virtual books. It's virtual everything, these days, isn't it? On the other hand, I've got loads of books already. Here's my shelf of "Books I intend to read when I get round to it":
Well, I should have plenty of time now, shouldn't I?
I'm having another coffee, I don't know about you.
The floods! Remember them? Look. I've got some pictures on my phone:
It's one thing after another. Like the Biblical plagues.
(Talking of the Bible. There is a virtual service all ready for Sunday here on the blog.)
And so it goes. Join in the conversation. Make a call. Send a text. You can even join in on Twitter if you want to. Search for Burton Joyce Community Church @bjcc_welcome
Oh. Kettle's boiling. Don't forget your coffee, it's getting cold. Want a top-up?
Some web links you might find useful:
Nottinghamshire County Council
Gedling Borough Council
If you can support the following charities, I'm sure they would be very grateful. In present circumstances, things must be very difficult for people. Let's help as much as we can.
Emmanuel House
The Friary
Local Food Banks
Drop something in the basket at the Co-op, Morrisons or Tesco
Burton Joyce Community Church supports
Main Street Methodist Church, Carlton Hill, NG4 1EE
Tuesday 12.00pm – 2.45pm
0303 040 1110
0303 040 1110
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If you have any suggestions for Virtual Pop-ins, drop me an email and I'll see what I can do
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