Second Sunday of Easter
EASTER 2Sunday 19th April 2020
Lovingly he greets us
A Song (Songs of Fellowship 304)Jesus, stand among us, in thy risen power
A Prayer
Lo Jesus meets us, risen from the tomb[verse 2; Thine be the glory]
Lovingly he greets us, scatters fear and gloom
Let the church with gladness hymns of triumph sing
For the Lord now lives & death has lost its sting.
Our Father ...
A Reading (Luke 24: 13-35)
That day, two of them were going to a village called Emmaus
It's not a bad pattern to emulate:
Jesus meets them where they are (with appropriate distancing!)
Jesus listens to what is troubling them
Jesus offers them God's grace
Jesus channels God's peace to them, and also to us.
We can do the same, if we are in Christ.We pray for the world
We can draw alongside, listen, offer God's grace
and be channels of God's peace for other people. Amen
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer
A Blessing
May the God of love & graceAcknowledgement and Thanks
Meet with you in the way
And give you peace. Amen
The following hymn was provided by Rev John Wiseman (Sherwood Methodist Church) for this Sunday's worship. The above service was developed from materials created by Rev John Wiseman.
Emmaus-bound on Easter Day
(Tune: We have a gospel to proclaim)Emmaus-bound on Easter Day
Two travellers walked along the way.
The'd once had hope but hope had died
When you, O Lord, were crucified.
When you appeared beside those two,
They could not see that it was you;
But as they talked and shared their pain,
You gave them hope and joy again.
For as you spoke to them God's word,
Explaining all they'd seen and heard,
They understood what God had done
And that a new day had begun.
They shared their home; you broke the bread.
They saw you, risen from the dead!
That moment's grace helped them to see
The gift of God's eternity.
In scripture and at table too,
O Risen Lord, may we know you.
And may your presence give us grace
To share God's love in every place.
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